School sports teams:

Football - 1971

Thanks to Colin Armstrong
The teacher is Mr Harkin.

Football - 1973

Thanks to Colin Armstrong

Back Row: Alan Richford, Martin Webster, Mick Vickers, Robert Wyatt, Chris Dobbs, David Shepherd, 'Stephen Sam' Bell, Kevin Turner 

Middle Row: Barry Hall, Alan Parkinson, Brian Robbins, Dave Moir, Steve Mallender, Neil Curtis, Richard Burgess, Terry Wild, Peter Hodgson, Glen Wilks

Front Row: Steve Bilton, Phillip Dickens (Cligger), John Hughes, Colin Armstrong, Nigel Turner, Ian Cope, Phillip Pressley

Football - 1973

Thanks to Colin Armstrong
The teacher is Mr Harkin.

Basketball - 1973

Thanks to Colin Armstrong
The teacher is Mr Wasenczuk.

For more on school sports, see the Junior School section, and PE.

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